dreaming_algorithm [seq. I,II,III]
The "Dreaming Algorithm" comprises three AI-generated videos combined with 3D art and digital painting, collectively titled "Dreaming Algorithm Sequence I, II, III" (2022). This exploration delves into the intriguing question of whether neural network-based "machines" have the capacity to dream, and the potential implications that arise from such a possibility. Inspired primarily by the AI image processing technique known as "backward diffusion," where an image emerges from pixel noise through a simple prompt input, the concept raises the question: what occurs during the machine's idle state? Could there be a realm between nothingness and human interaction that we might define as a "dream"?
The videos serve as an immersive experience, guiding the viewer on a journey through the "subconscious mind" of a machine. Utilizing a series of abstract images, "Dreaming Algorithm" prompts reflection on the nature of consciousness and explores the intricate relationship between technology and human identity. As the integration of AI into our lives continues, it becomes essential to contemplate its potential to shape our perceptions of self and society.
"Dreaming Algorithm" thus emerges as an exploration of this theme, extending an invitation for audiences to engage in philosophical discussions regarding the nature of consciousness and the ethical considerations tied to the creation of machines possessing consciousness-like qualities.
[The videos were exhibited at the Benaki Museum during the Ypnos Symposium from October 7 to 9, 2022.]Coordinator/Organizer: University of West Attica and the non-profit organization CITYLAB (www.citylab.edu.gr).

